About Me

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
A descendant of the Von Reichenstags, a wealthy Cat family in Germany who were forced into exile during the war years for fear of being eaten due to food shortages. Count Fredrick Von Reichenstag is one of the sixth generation of that family who survived homelessness on the streets and in the back alleys of Dublin, Ireland. Adopted by Mum and Dad, he now resides in Brisbane, Nostailia and is slowly trying to understand and come to terms with his new home and lifestyle changes.

Thursday 16 June 2011

God, Mausoleums and Kitch Teens

I am trying to understand all this God stuff that grown-ups keep going on about. Every time I look at the box that talks there are people fighting and it always seems to be about their Gods. It seems really bad between the Mausoleums and the Kitch Teens. Why is it always people with Gods that fight? You never see Animals fight because of what they believe in. You never see Pissbums being attacked by Kanga Roodementalists. You never see Pussy Cats being blown up by a Doggy terrier group.
People who have Gods always seem to want to force their views on other people even if they have their own Gods. They even seem to want to force their views on people who don't have Gods. But people who don't have Gods don't seem to have the need to push their opinions on others. Take Egg Nogstics. But then again an Egg Nogstic could hardly say "You must believe in what I don't believe in" or "You must not believe in what I believe in". That would be very confucius. Thinking about it, Egg Nogstics by their very nature can not force their opinions on others because there are no words that make sense to get their message across.
So, why cant grown-ups just leave each other with their own beliefs whether they are Mausoleums, Kitch Teen or even Ewes?You would never see me trying to force a Pissbum to be a Pussy Cat because they would make terrible Pussy Cats, purely because they are Pissbums to begin with. Can you imagine a Moo-Cow trying to swing from tree to tree like a Monkey? It would be a disaster. It just wouldn't work. So just leave each other alone, silly grown-ups!
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